Electric Fruit

Purple Line

After discussing the Electric Fruit Investigation of the 1996-1997 class, we decided to test a large and small sample of four different fruits and vegetables for a three week period.

Small Potato Large Potato Small Apple Large Apple Small Jicama Large Jicama
Day 1
28 cm 36.5 cm 23 cm 27 cm 26 cm 36 cm
Day 1
207 g 414 g 148 g 223 g 177 g 542 g
Day 1
.210 .015 .171 .032 .087 .123
Day 7
29 cm 36.5 cm 22.5 cm 26.5 cm 26 cm 34 cm
Day 7
219 g 404 g 145 g 220 g 157 g 451 g
Day 7
.112 .090 .081 .009 .171 .001
Day 11
29 cm 37 cm 22.5 cm 26.5 cm 25 cm 32 cm
Day 11
210 g 392 g 137 g 208 g 146 g 360 g
Day 11
.073 .121 .085 .007 .012 .065
Day 21
29 cm 38 cm 22 cm 26.5 cm 24.5 cm 26.5 cm
Day 21
205 g 380 g 124 g 191 g 131 g 200 g
Day 21
.057 .048 .157 .043 .032 .108

Tentative Conclusions

Freshness: We couldn't come to a decision about how freshness influences the amount of voltage produced.

Circumference: The 1996-1997 class found that items with larger circumference produced more electricity, but this year we found that the smaller items (especially the potato and the apple) produced more electricity than larger items of the same variety.

Mass: Unlike the 1996-1997 class, we found that the heavier items usually produced less volts than the lighter ones.

Type: The potatos usually produced the most electricity and the jicamas usually produced the least.

Comments: Our large potato started to grow. Our large jicama was almost completely moldy by the end of our observation.

Purple Line

Suggestions for the 1998-1999 Class:

  1. Try two of each item of about the same size to see if individual items are different.
  2. Test more often. (Our observation stretched over Spring Break so we couldn't observe for 10 days.)
  3. Try different varieties of the same fruit, like different kinds of apples.
  4. Try drying one of each item to see if it is the amount of water that influences how much electricity is produced.
  5. On the last day, cut the items in half and see if the middle produces more electricity than the outside.
Purple Line

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