We joined six other classes across the country in this electricity project sponsored by two classes in the Milwaukee French Immersion School. The observation was designed to investigate the effect of circumference, mass, and freshness on the amount of electricity produced by different fruits and vegetables for seven days. After discussing our data, we agreed upon a few tentative conclusions, and planned a new observation to help answer our questions.
Item | Circumference Day 1 | Mass Day 1 | Volts Day 1 | Circumference Day 4 |
Mass Day 4 | Volts Day 4 | Circumference Day 7 | Mass Day 7 | Volts Day 7 |
Potato | 25 cm | 165 g | .007 | 25 cm | 163 g | .012 | 25 cm | 161 g | .040 |
Apple | 25 cm | 190 g | .115 | 24.5 cm | 188 g | .064 | 25 cm | 185 g | .043 |
Orange | 25 cm | 218 g | .014 | 25 cm | 213 g | .002 | 25 cm | 208 g | .031 |
Lemon | 21.5 cm | 122 g | .032 | 21 cm | 114 g | .018 | 21 cm | 108 g | .001 |
Turnip | 22 cm | 145 g | .148 | 19.5 cm | 103 g | .002 | 17 cm | 70 g | .001 |
Jicama | 28 cm | 267 g | .101 | 28 cm | 268 g | .029 | 27.5 cm | 251 g | .055 |
Onion | 23 cm | 156 g | .010 | 22.5 cm | 154 g | .020 | 22 cm | 150 g | .003 |
Circumference: Larger items may produce more voltage than smaller items. Different items with the same circumference produced different voltage on the first day. After seven days, the items with a smaller circumference produced a lower voltage than the items with a larger circumference.
Mass: The heavier items usually produced more volts than the lighter ones.
Duration: We would like to see what happens to the voltage after a longer period of time. The voltage produced by the jicama was higher on the seventh day than it was on the third day. We wonder what would happen after three more days. In our next observation we will observe for two weeks.
Choice of Items: Since the orange and lemon were very squishy after one week, we decided not to use them for our next observation. We decided to use the potato, apple, and jicama since they were producing the most voltage after seven days and were also the least rotten.
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